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Public Relations, B.A.

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Public Relations Degree


从监督公众和组织之间的关系, to helping to promote an event for a nonprofit, 或者开展一项社交媒体活动,将点击转化为客户, 你将学习通过公共关系塑造公众对公司的看法.

凯斯通创新的公共关系学士课程教你公共关系的概念和技巧, 并提高你的知识,创造性的策略和相关的职业法律和道德问题. 你会为进入公共关系领域做好准备, 并且有能力驾驭不断变化的媒体和通信领域.

当你在基斯顿获得公共关系学位的时候, 你可以为自己的职业定位,产生影响. You will hone your skills in branding, crisis communication and reputation management, internal communication, media relations, social media, speechwriting, and more.

Hybrid Program Benefits
通过我们与Rize的合作,该项目包括在线课程作为课程的一部分. 这些在线课程为学生提供尖端的课程, greater scheduling flexibility, access to nationwide experts in the field, and access to even more resume-ready skills.

In this program, you will learn about:

  • 与客户一起设定目标并评估风险承受能力
  • Risk management and insurance planning
  • 投资于证券市场、风险/回报、股票、债券、期权、期货
  • Tax consequences and lawful tax-minimizing tactics
  • Financial planning for retirement
  • Tax and non-tax considerations in estate planning

Giant Careers for PR Professionals

未来十年,公共关系领域的工作岗位预计将增长9%,高于全国平均水平,  这意味着在该领域学习的人在毕业时可以有很多优秀的选择. 我们尖端的新公共关系学位教授软技能,让你找到工作,硬技能,让你得到报酬.

Social Media Director

建立公司的品牌,并使用Facebook创建基于社交媒体的活动策略, Twitter, Instagram, and other emerging platforms. 他们经常与市场、销售和客户服务部门合作.


Median salary

Communications Director

负责协助机构和公司制作信息并将其传递给公众. They serve as media contacts, issue press releases, arrange press conferences, and coordinate media campaigns.


Median salary

Press Secretary

作为政府官员或其他实体与媒体之间的联络人. They respond to press requests, 吸引记者接受印刷和电子媒体的采访,并撰写新闻稿. 


Median salary

Chad Jones II

Chad Jones II, class of 2023, 现在在费城保险公司担任高级营销助理. As an undergraduate at Keystone College, Chad was student editor of The Plume, and he was on the football team. 他还曾在Keystone的通讯办公室担任公关实习生, where he wrote press releases and web features, and took photographs for several departments on campus.


这个项目的一些课程通过Rize Education进行虚拟教学.

Course Requirements

In addition to a strong foundation of communication, research, and cultural diversity courses, 学生完成了公共关系的核心课程,致力于为你提供成为一名公共关系专业人士所需的知识和经验.  These courses include:

    • PBRL 1110 Strategic Public Relations
    • PBRL 2110 Public Relations Tactics
    • PBRL 2145 Public Relations
    • PBRL 3110 Crisis Communications
    • PBRL 4910 Public Relations Capstone


Do I really need a degree to work in Public Relations?

No, but you may need one to get hired, 拥有公共关系专业的学位在收入潜力和薪水方面都有巨大的优势. 拥有学士学位的人的失业率也要低50%, and on average they make an additional $630,000 to $900,000 over their lifetime, even more in high growth fields like this one.


Yes! 唯一能确保我们的课程能给你找到工作所需的技能,并教会你解决现实世界中真正重要的问题的方法,就是和那些真正在做这件事的人合作. 我们与财富500强公司和专业领域的专家合作,这意味着他们数十亿美元的专业知识将反映在你在这里学习的所有内容中. 

What will my career look like?

Public Relations is huge, 我们的毕业生可以利用他们梦寐以求的技能获得许多不同类型的高增长就业. 如果建立品牌形象的想法吸引你, you may want to work as a marketer at a corporation. 如果你想塑造关于大牌的故事, 你可能想成为一名公共关系专家. As a Public Relations grad, 各行各业的高薪机会基本上是无穷无尽的. 

How do I know if I’m interested in this major?

如果你对建立品牌和塑造叙事感兴趣, if you have a passion for creative problem solving, 如果你正在寻找一个能为不同的高增长职业打开大量大门的学位, if you want to have a job that never gets boring, 如果你想获得一套技能,使你在职业发展中越来越有价值, you should consider this major.    

What does live class optional mean?

Flexibility. 可选的现场课程意味着我们的课程可以异步完成, 但是你仍然可以和你的老师一起参加现场课程. 许多学生更喜欢现场互动的学习方式, 而其他学生则喜欢这种灵活性,只要他们适合自己的时间表就可以做.

Who will be in my class?

这个专业是Keystone College和Rize Education独家合作的一部分, 也就是说你会和你学校的学生一起学习, 以及来自全国各地精选学校的学生. 我们的目标是帮助你在毕业之前就开始在你的行业中建立一个全国性的人际网络.  


Nope! 虽然追求公共关系专家的职业生涯是一个不可思议的选择, graduates also have the option of entering sales, marketing, and many other high-growth fields. 请放心,这个专业的机会之门是敞开的!

Program Goals

  • Write clearly, effectively, and persuasively.
  • 分析特定情况下的媒体和公共关系需求.
  • Demonstrate ability to interact with media.
  • Develop effective messaging.

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